Each stage of our life is a project of existence, we strive to each of them to enjoy what life offers us. At what age begins our old age? Relacionamos old age with death, weariness and even with losing hair and teeth… How many of us see in the mirror and see us with horror blanqueciendo hair and wrinkles crowning our temples? We escaped a sigh of nostalgia for times gone, so we had and is no longer. Our family has always been our priority to provide the best thinking of ourselves, for those who are around us are happy, we help according to our ability to achieve goals and projects, with only this we are preparing to face the challenge our old age. When one thinks of old age, which relate more particularly as physical limitations in a tired body, the natural losses of skills that go into decline, the hearing diminishes, the muscles no longer respond well and even think of mental problems That somehow we anguish, many women and men are fighting against nature to retain youth as much as possible, we can add to this that youth is an industry, we sell in advertising and in any media possible. We announce the "wonders" of this or that cream to remove the furrows in our skin, or we announce "the best vitamins" to keep in constant activity, costs accept that much of what we were before our daily activities, are no longer We can perform with equal force, that we could cause physical anguish and frustration. Many sayings and jokes have been at the expense of the golden age, we are cheating themselves, or when someone ourselves talking about our age, the common reply "is the old sea and still gives fresh fish" and that about such as that known, "The Heart never ages." But we can not deny that nobody can stop the journey towards ageing. Accept that those who are now under our care, our parents or grandparents who now depend on us, we ourselves who later turn this place. We must accept that come when we will have to give our children the authority that we had before us as parents, and if we run we did without the dignity of our "old" if not abandon, if not let in the last corner of the house, just is not that they do with us. Therefore accept that our planting season is here and now, but will have its final inexorably, and time to reap what they sow by leaps and bounds is about whether we like it or not. Learning to grow old with dignity And you, you feel like you are prepared to grow old without fear? Sunrise .. ....... AMBER | | | | | | |